Responsible for the content of these pages:
Adrian Weiler, Burgunderweg 21,72070 Tübingen, Germany
Privacy policy
Information on how we handle data collected during your visit to this site can be found here.
This site now uses a responsive design created with Bootstrap using the "Cerulean" theme from Bootswatch. The HTML is not written by hand, but generated from the original XML source by a set of XSLTransformations derived from the stuff published at the Website project.
The drop down menus use JavaScript provided by Bootstrap.. Bootstrap component in turn require jQuery and popper.js.
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Note |
Only drop down menus requires that you have JavaScript enabled. However, all content is also statically linked and can be viewed without JavaScript by navigating through the site starting at the home page. |
The mathematical formulae have been typeset with online tools from MathMLCentral.
Disclaimer? What disclaimer?
The information given on these pages has been prepared with care. However, no warranty for the accuracy, suitability, usefulness, etc... of the information can be given.
All links outgoing from these pages have been checked to lead only to lawful content as far as I could decide this at the time the link was set. In case you detect anything which might not comply to the laws of your country, violates anyone's rights or is wrong in whatever way, please let me know and I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Please use the contact form. Sorry for not providing an eMail address online. We all know that publishing an eMail address on the web is equivalent to receive tons of SPAM.